Inpatient vs Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers

outpatient alcohol treatment center Thousand Oaks

Today, only 36% of American adults abstain from drinking alcohol. This means that the other two-thirds of people may indulge in an occasional drink, or they might party hard every day. Those who drink higher quantities of alcohol and/or do so frequently face abuse, dependence, and addiction issues. And this can cause problems with both their health and relationships.

In this case, outside help might be necessary to turn things around. If you or a loved one needs assistance, then read on to find out the difference between an inpatient vs outpatient alcohol treatment center in Thousand Oaks.

What’s Inpatient Treatment?

Inpatient treatment is where you live at a rehab center the entire time you receive assistance. When you hear about celebrities going to rehab, they most likely get inpatient treatment since they travel to the facility and don’t reappear until they’re done.


Detoxing can be done on your own if you’re not far in addiction. However, if it’s a long-time problem and you drink large quantities, it’s unsafe to detox cold turkey. It can even be fatal in some cases.

Medical professionals can help you taper your alcohol usage to zero in a safe manner.

Individual Therapy

In inpatient treatment, you’ll go to individual therapy to address the root cause of your alcohol dependence or addiction. You’ll also uncover any past unresolved traumas if there are any.

Those with substance use disorder (SUD) often have mental health disorders too. Whether you’ve already been diagnosed beforehand or discover these issues during your sessions, the experienced therapist will teach you helpful tools to overcome not just the symptoms, but also the triggers that drive you to drink.

Group Therapy

A key part of recovery is having a support system. Some people don’t have loved ones they can count on, so group therapy becomes a huge source of strength for them.

In any case, you can feel less alone and supported by people who are going through the same thing you are. You’ll share your thoughts in these sessions, including struggles and achievements.

Once you’re done with treatment, you can keep supporting one another out in the real world.

Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy strengthens you and gives you a healthy outlet when you’re feeling down and triggered to drink. These activities build you as a person too.

Some examples of holistic therapy include meditation, yoga, art therapy, and music therapy.

What’s Outpatient Treatment?

Outpatient alcohol treatment in Thousand Oaks is essentially the same thing as inpatient treatment. You’ll receive all the same services, including detox and therapy (individual, group, and holistic).

However, the main difference is that you don’t “live” at the facility. Instead, you go to your sessions a few times a week while still living your regular daily life.

Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment

Now that you know what inpatient and outpatient treatment are, you might be wondering which one is the better option for you. While there’s no “right” answer, there are some pros and cons to each that may sway you in a particular direction.

Here are the main factors to consider.


Inpatient treatment definitely costs significantly more than outpatient treatment. This is because you have 24/7 access to the facility, including things like food, showers, beds, and recreational activities.

If you have a limited budget, then outpatient rehab in Thousand Oaks is the better option.

Your Daily Life

Are you already struggling to juggle your daily responsibilities on top of your alcohol issues? Then outpatient treatment can be distracting, as you’ll need to spend a good amount of time traveling to and from your sessions.

On the other hand, if there are certain responsibilities (such as work or childcare as a single parent) you can’t drop, then outpatient treatment can be outstanding. For example, you can schedule your appointments for when you get off of work or while your child’s in school.


While it’s true that inpatient treatment causes a huge disruption in your life, the duration tends to be shorter, whereas treatment periods with outpatient rehab are usually longer.

You’ll have to consider whether convenience or time is the more important factor.

Current Support System

You’re at your most vulnerable when actively in recovery, so you need to have a positive environment for the best chances of success.

If your household is all for your sobriety and is willing to quit in solidarity, or are willing to at least not drink around you, then outpatient treatment can be ideal, especially if you don’t have much money and/or have responsibilities you can’t drop.

However, if your social circle uses substances freely and discourage you from sobriety, spending time in inpatient treatment would be better, as you’d be away from all temptation.

Level of Dependence/Addiction

If you have severe dependence/addiction issues, it’s best if you start off with inpatient treatment. This is especially true if you have comorbid mental health disorders.

Otherwise, outpatient treatment is fine for those with mild to moderate alcohol use issues. It’s also okay if you have relatively good physical and mental health.

Enroll in an Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Center in Thousand Oaks

After reading this article, it might make sense for you to enroll in an outpatient alcohol treatment center in Thousand Oaks. After all, it has almost all the same benefits as inpatient treatment, but at more affordable prices. Plus, it has less disruption to your daily life, so you can still take care of responsibilities like school, work, or childcare.

So if you need help with your alcohol abuse issues, it’s time to take action. It’ll be the right step toward recovery and sobriety.

For a quality drug and alcohol treatment center in Thousand Oaks, contact us today.